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The Role of AI Technology in Marketing Transformation

The marketing that was done a few decades ago is quite different. Nowadays, the methods for marketing brands, products, and services have become more advanced and modern. Among other things, AI has played one of the biggest roles in this marketing transformation.

In this post, we’re going to be looking at how exactly it has done that.

How AI Technology Has Revolution Marketing?

1. By Making Personalization Possible and Precise

There are fewer tricks in marketing that can make a potential lead or customer feel warm about the marketing activity than personalization. Whether it is a promotional email or a blog post that you’ve published on your website, personalization can make your marketing activities exponentially more effective.

When you personalize your marketing approach, you show the person on the other end that you care for them. You show them that you know what they are looking for and you are eager to give it to them. You also show them that they are not the target of a generic, one-size-fits-all marketing pitch. Rather, they’re special.

Say you’re writing a marketing email. If you start the email off in a boring way like “Hey, how are you doing, reader?” or something, it shows that the email is one of the thousands that have been sent to other users.

On the other hand, if you start your email like “Hey Emily! Winter’s here, and it gets really crisp over there in Ohio, doesn’t it?” or something, then you show the recipient (by using their name, weather, and location) that you’ve taken pains to actually learn about them.

Now obviously, when you are dealing with a lot of people and a lot of marketing methods, doing this sort of personalization is not possible. That is where AI comes in.

In many different spheres of marketing, AI has made personalization possible. And where it already was, AI has made it more precise. To give you an idea of AI personalization in marketing, here are a few of the common use cases:

  • AI can be used in online stores. It can personalize the store’s recommendation and “Last Seen” section according to the activities of the user. This can help market the right products to the user and get their interest.
  • AI can be used in email marketing. It can be used to modify the outgoing emails to address the recipient by their first name. AI software can also be used to program different emails to be sent to different recipients at different times based on their activity.
  • AI can likewise be used to personalize blog sections. It can be used to program the blog sections to show post recommendations depending on the content that the user has been reading.

We’ve mentioned all of these things, but you may be a bit confused about how exactly they can be done. I mean, for example, email marketing with AI is cool and all, but how do you do it?

Nowadays, there are user-friendly tools and software available on the Internet that allow you to do all of that. For example, MailChimp, which is a very popular name in email marketing tools, allows you to create personalized emails, customized customer email journeys, and the like.

You don’t have to get too technical to use AI in marketing. User-friendly solutions are present in abundance online.

2. By making content creation and optimization easier (for written content)

In digital marketing, content creation and optimization are vital steps. It is required in content marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and pretty much every other type as well.

Creating quality content based on proper research and optimized using best practices is not easy to do. It is tricky, and it can take up a lot of time. However, with AI, the whole process can be simplified and made easier.

The whole process of content creation and optimization can be divided into three main phases.

  • The research and pre-writing phase
  • The main writing phase
  • The optimization and post-writing phase

With AI, all three of these steps can be made significantly easier.

  • Research and pre-writing: In research, AI can help marketers find informative content ideas quickly. Consider the example of ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an AI tool and in research, it can help marketers plan out their content, find ideas for the same, and even get precise suggestions on how to write each part.
  • The main writing phase: In the main writing phase, AI allows marketers to do one of two things: creating the content entirely using it OR getting extensive help from it to improve the write-up’s quality. Whole content generation/creation can be done by tools like ChatGPT whereas content improvement can be done by paraphrasing tools like Paraphrase-Online. They can rephrase the content you give them and improve its quality.
  • The optimization and post-writing phase: In the post-writing phase, the main thing marketers have to do is ensure that their content is free from errors and mistakes. If the marketing is being done via search engines, then this process also includes ensuring adherence to SEO guidelines. Online tools like Grammarly can be cited as a good example of AI that helps in this process.

3. By making marketing analysis easier and more effective

Marketing is a dynamic process. Marketers are required to keep checking how well their activities are performing and the results they are bringing in. Whenever there is a dip in the results, the approach has to be adjusted and altered. On the other hand, where there is a rise in the marketing outputs, the steps leading to said rise have to be codified as reliable and saved for later implementation as well.

To analyse the efficacy of their marketing approaches, marketers can use various AI-driven tools. Here are some examples.

  • In email marketing, the efficacy of the campaign is determined by the number of clips and opens the messages get, as well as the increase in subscribers. Usually, platforms that provide email automation services (like MailChimp, as we discussed earlier) also provide analytical tools as well.
  • In content marketing approaches, such as blogging, the efficacy of the campaign can be determined by metrics such as an increase in site traffic and clicks/views. There are special dedicated AI tools available for finding these out as well. Ahrefs is a popular analytical tool that a lot of people use for this purpose.


AI has transformed marketing in many different ways. It has made various tasks easier and quicker, such as content creation, personalization, and the like.

In the post above, we have looked at three major aspects of marketing that AI has made possible and easier. The important thing to remember is that whenever you have to use AI tools for all these tasks, the tools should be reliable and high-quality. We have mentioned a few in our discussion above and you can just give those a try.

About the Author

Aidan Caroline is Content Strategy Manager at PrePost SEO. She graduated MA in English from Queen’s University Belfast. She loves cooking and listening to classical music in her spare time.

Technology illustrations by Storyset


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